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Video: "Digital Forensics Truths That Turn Out To Be Wrong - SANS DFIR Summit 2018"

Hunting mindmaps (Windows Events)

Christophe Tafani-Dereeper (christophetd on GitHub) has compiled a Windows Basic Events 101 mindmap for "typical manipulations" These can give you a good starting point when diving into Windows Events. Check the mindmap at

Working together across multiple time zones

Show more than one time zone (up to 2) in Windows 10 Show times for more than one time zone (also up to 2) in Outlook calender

"Building Secure and Reliable Systems" - Book recommendation

Can a system be considered truly reliable if it isn't fundamentally secure? Or can it be considered secure if it's unreliable? Security is crucial to the design and operation of scalable systems in production, as it plays an important part in product quality, performance, and availability. In this book, experts from Google share best practices to help your organization design scalable and reliable systems that are fundamentally secure. The book is written by Heather Adkins, Betsy Beyer, Paul Blankinship, Ana Oprea, Piotr Lewandowski and Adam Stubblefield. Get your copy here: